Contact information
Mailing Address:Headquarters:
The Mars Society
11111 W. 8th Ave Unit A
Lakewood, Colorado
80215, USA
General inquiries, membership and donation payments:
The Mars Society
PO Box 176
McVille, ND
58254, USA
11111 W. 8th Ave Unit A
Lakewood, Colorado
80215, USA
General inquiries, membership and donation payments:
The Mars Society
PO Box 176
McVille, ND
58254, USA
Secretary: [appointment pending]
Mission Director, MDRS: [appointment pending]
Contact Eric for youtube, twitter, facebook, podcasts, audio or video needs.
Our new Outreach Coordination Team is in the early stages. Stay tuned for announcements concerning these valuable new additions to our leadership team.
North America
Southeast Regional Coordinator: [appointment pending]
Northeast Regional Coordinator: [appointment pending]
Australia Coordinator: [appointment pending]
South America Coordinator: [appointment pending]
Africa Coordinator: [appointment pending]
Associated Societies and some U.S. chapters have their own legal identity. Mars Society members from everywhere are recognized as full-fledged members by the U.S. organization.